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a bit of a read, but it's what we are about....

Harrison Classic kits is the result of a discussion had one day, after a relaxing lunch on the water with my father Glynn, now 84. We looked at the families and kids playing on the shoreline and thought - this is the life.


Having always owned boats of one kind or another, we decided to download some plans from the internet and start the project of building a BarrelBack 21' boat.


It was at this moment I thought, if I could find a way to help more people to do this - with a lower entry point with respect to skills and time to create the finished article, there is value. Rudimentary plans were fine for myself and my father as we have a high level of woodworking skills, in fact my father was a coachbuilder by trade in his early years, but I know this could be a daunting idea for some. 


​In addition, I was determined to bring back the beauty and classics styles of yesteryear. To help people build things they were proud of, not only to own, but to share through generations - something less disposable.


So, prior to our own project of the BarrelBack I spent about 5 years learning Computer Aided Design and manufacturing. All our boats and campers now are fully modeled, tested and parts are precision machined with my CNC router to just make the job easier - in many ways assembling a Harrison Classic kit is like a big jigsaw. I'm not saying no skills are required, intermediate would be a sensible description.


So, Harrison Classic was born....


We invested in the tools and the equipment, so others didn't have to. 

Everyone should be able to do this, to be able to take their kids or their friends out adventuring, to make the most of this beautiful country. 


Our purpose is to create simple DIY boat and camper kits that could be built with some basic tools in the backyard shed or garage. An experience that could be shared and enjoyed with friends and family - that didn't break the bank but brought back some traditions. 


Although we are new and fledgling, we are focused on combining excellent engineering and traditional designs coupled with modern, sustainable materials and robust construction and manufacturing techniques - the best of it all.


Thanks for visiting, if you are keen to build your own camper or boat - or are looking for something unique, please contact us.


This is personal for us, and we hope we can help it be personal for you.


We look forward to helping you to get ready for your next adventure. 



Tel: +61 435 340 153

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